Friday, August 19, 2011

'Splain that Currency Thingy to Me Again

Bach Vader treats the US Constitution like a cocktail napkin, and thinks the Dems are out to replace the good ol greenback with funny money.  Or so she thought they said that

Bachmann introduced a constitutional amendment on March 25,2009 that would prohibit Obama from replacing the US Currency with a Global Currency.  Thirty-one Republicans have co-sponsored it.
This was because in a news release announcing the measure, Bachmann claimed Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner had said he was open to the idea of dropping the dollar.  Geithner never said that however, and anyhow, the discussion was about the Chinese proposing an international reserve currency, not a change to the US Dollar.  Bach's gets an F for accuracy.  In subsequent interviews, Bach Vader seemed to just let it go that she completely misrepresented Geithner and the issue in its entirety.
It's like accusing an innocent man of murder, and then forgetting to apologize when you realize you collared the wrong guy.  Nice values, Vader

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